What Rules Your Thinking?



phobiarchy: ruled by fear.
pathiarchy: ruled by illness.
ethiarchy: ruled by addiction.
agnoiarchy: ruled by ignorance.



antriarchy: ruled by courage.
engiearchy: ruled by health.
paraclesiarchy: ruled by difference.
eidiarchy: ruled by intelligence.



Divinity is every version.

A temple is every one.

Worship is your every thought.

Ritual is your every action.

Scripture is your every word.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

— George Bernard Shaw
Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 – 1950)

Personalism: The Politics of the Internet

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States.

You came into power by having a platform the public could relate to.

You can win by having a new platform the public can relate to.

Forget about attacking the opposition directly. It is a waste of time and resources.

It was Eisenhower who said, “The plan is useless, the planning essential.”

Planning is about knowing yourself and your competitor. The actual battle is about adaptation and destruction of the competitor’s tools. WE MUST DOCUMENT THE COMPETITION TO GUIDE OUR ATTACK STRATEGY.

Napoleon’s first strike was at night and in the rain.

Martin Luther’s attack was with German and Satirical Cartoons instead of Latin and Religious Debate.

Canada conquered Vimy Ridge, by knowing how to hunt game in Canadian forests.

Germany invaded France by taking a country road around the Maginot Line.

D-Day was preceded by a massive night attack on front line communication, infrastructure and airborne troop drops behind enemy lines.

The Iraq invasion was founded on destroying the enemies’ will to fight.

We have no intent of ever executing a frontal assault against the enemy.  It is romantic incompetence.

Our competitive strategey: “Don’t fight like a Gentleman, fight like a Noble Savage.”

We are not seeking the approval of the professionals.

We are developing a language and tools to make the ordinary person extraordinary.

It is called the RECOVERY PLATFORM.

Create a phenomena called the “Personal Corporation.”

Make every Canadian capable of governing every aspect of their own life via the internet.

Abandon Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Racism, Fascism, Nazism.

Create the Manifesto of “PERSONALISM” the politics of the internet.


Grant Czerepak

Anarchy: Building Business Around Life


I have been having some very interesting conflicts between my business model and conventional business models these days. And the result has been an increase in my resolve to live according to my model.

I have been building my business around my life and the lives of those I choose to help in this world instead of building my life around business. The result is I am seeing the people I help making real progress in becoming independent and self-sustaining individuals with a deep concern for the welfare of those around them.

I have been called undisciplined, unprofessional, unfocused and many other things, however I realize that the real difference is my vision and mission as an individual and as a business person. I am truly putting people first and that scares the 20th century thinkers I come up against. And my life and business are both growing in a way that people want to come on board.

You look at the American economy and it is a failure.  Capitalists are in denial.  Every political concept does not deliver.  Maybe it is time for something new.

Today I read about the United We Serve initiative by President Obama and I feel I am on the right track as a servant leader and a servant business here in Canada.


Design: Business Design Induction/Deduction


This is my latest incarnation of the Business Design Process.  Induction (Brainstorming–generation of ideas) is Counter-Clockwise.  Deduction (Refinement–elimination of ideas) is Clockwise.

Below is the Intelligence Architecture:


Here is the Media Architecture:


This is the Data Architecture for this model.  Note that all values are accepted even if they are wrong:


Below is the Network Architecture of this model.  Note that the values are unique (nodes) and they are sequential (edges):


Here is the Text Architecture:


Here is the Numeric Architecture:


Here is the Octonion Architecture:


Design: Business Design Dimensions


Click on image for full size view.

In my previous post I was thinking about the fundamental components of a business.  Now I want to think about the fundamental contexts and the four dimensions of each context.

Over the next few posts I will be exploring each of these contexts and dimensions.  Personally, I think current data warehouse design is a load of bullshit.  Relational business intelligence is an oxymoron.

English, Globish and English Mania

2 Billion non-English speaking people are learning English as the language of international trade.

Forget Moore’s Law, Enter Huang’s Law

Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of Nvidia Corp., creator of the Graphic Processing Unit, shares his vision of the future.

We are no longer talking HorsePower, we are talking HorseTeamPower.  Personal Supercomputing.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Web 3.0: Debunking the Open Source Myth


We have all been had.  There are thousands of companies out there  telling us our content has no monetary value and then using our sweat to make billions on advertising and claiming they are benevolently providing us a service.  THERE IS NO BENEVOLENCE ONLY BUSINESS.

Every post you put on the web has value.  Every keystroke, every mouse click has value.  Corporations are using it to advertise, analyze markets, sell to you.  YOU SHOULD HAVE A PIECE OF THE MONETARY PIE.

The problem is not technology.  Sending payment to everyone is damned easy.  The problem is middle men.  MIDDLE MEN MAKE THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING ARTIFICIALLY HIGH.

We can all profit.  Everything we do has worth.  We can charge for everything.  Everytime someone looks at our content we can profit.  DEAL DIRECT TO LOWER THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING, DON’T GIVE YOUR WORK AND CONTENT AWAY FOR FREE.  THE WEBSITES DON’T.  THE CARRIERS DON’T.

You have worth.  You have value.  YOU MUST BE PAID WHEN YOUR CONTENT IS DISPLAYED.

Stop being a Tube.  Stop being a Twit.  Stop being a Face.  Stop being a Space.  Stop Digging.  Stop Gurgling.  You are not children any more.  YOU ARE THE KEY.  ENJOY CAPITALISM.  DEMAND PAYMENT.

There is a Fair Global Price for everything and it is not Open Source.  THE COMMONS WILL ALWAYS BE A TRAGEDY.

